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March 06, 2005



If you don't think the Versed caused your depression, think again. Check out this blog http://versedbusters.blogspot.com/2005/12/introduction.html


You, know, ten years ago when it happened I SEARCHED the internet for some suggestion it was the Versed, but all I found was that it might cause "psychotic breaks." From your link (thanks!) it seems like a lot of people have had much the same story as I did. I don't think they give it for colonoscopies anymore. They offered it when I had my wisdom teeth out, and withdrew it when I immediately burst into tears.


YES they DO still use Versed! Millions of people get this drug every day. It is used in ambulances, in emergency rooms, by the police, as pre-anesthesia, for procedures such as endoscopies -- it is used ALOT.


I keep hearing them push it on people when I watch ER.


I think my mom was given an overdose ot allergic reation to Versed and it may have contributed to her respiratory failure.My father saw a large dose given , not 2cc or 5cc for a fluid draining procedure. Her appearance and eyes glassed over as she was wheeled down for the procedure. She was a three time trandplant patient and never in 25 years of treatment has my father seen this kind of reaction.Something went wrong and she never really woke up. The sadistic nurse that gave it coldly walked around the bed and said"I'm gonna put your wife to sleep." The next day she had to be intubated and never came out of it. We took her in for an infection, but we didn't get to take her home again. She passed away on July 14, 2007 after 17 days and 16 night in the hospital. I'm only 31 and have lost a mother I have cared for since I was a child. My heart is gone with her. There are few reasons ro go with life at this point. For her though my family and I will find out what happened.


Oh, that is so sad. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. You are right, you need to stay, and mourn, and then find out what happened.

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