From: Ellen
To: Gary
Subject: Squee.
June 15, 16 or 17, or 18
A nice anniversary present
From: Gary
To: Ellen
Subject RE: Squee
I don't mean to complain but email is a sophisticated communications protocol. You can send me a whole paragraph. I have no idea what your last email is saying.
From: Ellen
To: Gary
Subject: RE:Squee.
What word confused you?
Let's break it down line by line:
June 15, 16 or 17, or 18 <-- these are dates
BNL <-- this is a band
Chicago <-- this is a nearby city
A nice anniversary present <-- this is a suggestion.
Was it "Squee?" Did the subject line confuse you? It's what the kids say.
From: Gary
To: Ellen
Subject RE: Squee
OK, if I must accept email haikus from you. I am guessing that BNL is playing four concerts in Chicago on those four days. It seems like a lot of concert dates in one city. Are you suggesting that we take Friday and Monday off. I can't read your mind.
From: Ellen
To: Gary
Subject RE: Squee
A haiku:
The day is not set
But when it is could we
Go and see them please
(moments later)
From: Ellen
To: Gary
Subject RE: Squee
If you alert me that the second line has one too few syllables I will pull the stick out of your ass and come and beat you with it.
Let's try again --
On Monday June 18th, it LOOKS strongly like BNL will be playing somewhere in Chicago, Illinois. In the evening, I imagine.
From: Gary
To: Ellen
Subject RE: Squee
OK, you are now getting extremely cryptic. Your last email had a Friday-Monday range of dates in it and now you are only talking about Monday. Are you hinting that it would be fun to vacation in ChiTown this year for 4 days that includes the Monday of the concert. I don't know if I want to go back to Chicago for a multi-day vacation so soon after our last trip.
From: Ellen
To: Gary
Subject RE: Squee
You are insufferable. It's ONE DAY. I bet one of my FRIENDS would go to Chicago with me. Actually, Libby has already offered to be backup.
From: Gary
To: Ellen
Subject RE: Squee
I read that haiku was first started as a dialogue-style poem: 5-7-5 for the intial observation and 7-7 for the response. The response to the 7-7 stanza would then have to be a 5-7-5 stanza and then the next would have to be a 7-7 stanza. Later, it was shortened to just the 5-7-5 observation.
From: Ellen
To: Gary
Subject RE: Squee
I hate you. You do know this is making it onto the blog as an example of your insufferability?
From: Gary
To: Ellen
Subject RE: Squee
I am down with it.
A response:
A wonderful band, they are
We'd drive there in our own car.
Perhaps an engineer
But aren't they the same?
Posted by: Becs | April 09, 2007 at 07:34 PM
Posted by: Friend #3 | April 09, 2007 at 09:05 PM
Posted by: Autumn | April 10, 2007 at 09:09 AM
Hee! I can't wait to get married and have those kinds of arguments. :)
Your musical taste rocks. Between that and Guster, I'm assured that you are solid people. :)
Posted by: Angie | April 10, 2007 at 10:33 AM
I hope my marriage is filled with moments like these. Unlike Gary, though, Tom doesn't talk in exclamation points (did you ever notice how many of Gary's sentences end with exclamation points?)
Posted by: Christy | April 10, 2007 at 11:11 AM
omglofl. Also Bec's comment. So true.
Posted by: Jenny | April 10, 2007 at 05:59 PM
Hiya! Between the BNL, MS, and socks, I love your blog. :)
Posted by: Jammies | April 10, 2007 at 06:34 PM
I had to look up 'squee,' because I've seen it a lot lately. I guess that makes me not a kid anymore. When did that happen?
Posted by: TasterSpoon | April 10, 2007 at 07:25 PM
Becs - yeah, still want to borrow him for a weekend?
Friend #3 - see Jenny's comment to see how it's DONE.
Autumn - You are not feeling my pain here. See Bec's comment. Becs feels my pain.
Angie - Did I see you on the cruise? If not, seriously, start saving up.
Christy - Yes! Yes! I have!
Jenny - Good, good, feeling my pain. Thank you.
Jammies - Hi! We are doppelgangers. I've bookmarked your blog for further reading.
TasterSpoon - I think I am of the age that I can get away with "Squee" only if I say it dryly and flatly. As in "Oh. Squee."
Posted by: TheQueen | April 10, 2007 at 08:59 PM
Queen - I know he annoys the hell out of you sometimes. But enjoy it as best you can. Really. And as long as Anonymous Boyfriend is willing to get a clue, you can keep Gary on reserve, lol.
Posted by: [email protected] | April 11, 2007 at 04:56 AM
Ummm if it makes you feel any better several people (myself included) would SWEAR that my boss' wife has Aspergers. She seems to hate us all. Sadly, your pain is funny to me. I'm so mean. Sorry.
Posted by: Autumn | April 11, 2007 at 08:28 AM