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July 16, 2007


Friend #3

An orange frappacino at Starbucks would have been lovely today had it not been for NFS. Then again, my PMS weeks aren't colored so much as a Dick-Cheney-with-a-rifle-in-a-quail-covey-and-friends-in-the-crossfire kind of thing.


NFS? (Running through all the work projects, friend code names...) huh?


Wait wait...I got it. Nutra...System.

Friend #3



Jesus is right, Marcia, you ARE smart.

Friend #3

I'm smart? Jesus says I'm smart?? That's just so cool!


My wife is all about chocolate that week.

Hot Mom

I really don't know what to say. It's not like one can plan these types of things. You just recognize the regularity of jonesing for Cheetos and orange popsicles and learn to live with it.

I'm glad to have some mention besides my obvious hotness, my heathens and the whole sexual harassment fiasco.

I will apologize for the state of my blog, though.


This comment has nothing to do with this particular entry. I just ran across a link that I thought might interest you:



Ajooja - I'm all baout the chocloate / salt combo. Choclate ice cream with saltines or pretzels on top.
Hot Mom - Well, I could mention that you are in charge of the Super Secret Project.
KC - Okay, that's just gross. Pickled pig head is not the same as crispy well-done BBQed pig snout.Ewww, or Ugh as you say.

Friend #3

Gross? Miss-I-Want-a-Suckling-Pig-For-My-Annual-Tea-Party?


Friend #3 - oh, you went there? Do you WANT to see a suckling pig? I'll do it.


Please, no suckling pig. I've made four in a row and I'd hate to break my streak to avoid that.


Caroline, I LOVE YOU! Thanks to your recommendation, I am off to get all SNOOTED UP Saturday! Get MAH SNOOT ON!


Oops! I see you gave credit elsewhere. Happy snooting!

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